Nathalie Collé

Nathalie Collé is Senior Lecturer in English Studies at the Université de Lorrainein Nancy, France. She is a member of IDEA (Interdisciplinarité Dans les Études Anglophones), of SHARP (the Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing), of IAWIS (the International Association for Word and Image Studies), and of the IJBS (International John Bunyan Society). The author of a doctoral thesis on the illustrated editions of John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress, she specialises in the illustration of classics of English literature, particularly of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century fictional travel literature. The fields covered by her research includebook history, print and material culture, reading and reception, text-image relationships, adaptation and intermediality. She is the co-founder, co-director and co-editor of Book Practices & Textual Itineraries (2011–), a book collection devoted to book history, textual scholarship and illustration studies published at the Presses Universitaires de Nancy – Éditions Universitaires de Lorraine.

Co-edited books and journal issues

2020 | Nathalie Collé and Monica Latham, gen. eds. and dirs. Sophie Aymes, Brigitte Friant-Kessler and Maxime Leroy, guest eds. Illustrating Identity-ies. Vol. 10. Collection Book Practices & Textual Itineraries. Nancy: PU de Nancy – Éditions Universitaires de Lorraine, à paraître en 2020.

2019 | Nathalie Collé and Monica Latham, gen. eds and dirs. Sophie Aymes, Brigitte Friant-Kessler and Maxime Leroy, guest eds. Illustrating History / Illustrer l’Histoire. Vol. 7. Collection Book Practices & Textual Itineraries. Nancy: PU de Nancy – Éditions Universitaires de Lorraine, 2019. 252 pages. ISBN 978-2-8143-0525-0.

2017 | Nathalie Collé and Monica Latham, gen. eds. Sophie Aymes, Brigitte Friant-Kessler and Maxime Leroy, guest eds. Illustration andIntermedial Avenues. Vol. 5. Série Book Practices & Textual Itineraries. Collection “Regards croisés sur le monde anglophone”, Nancy: PU de Nancy – Éditions Universitaires de Lorraine, 2017. 184 pages. ISBN 978-2-8143-0301-0.

2015 | Nathalie Collé, Monica Latham and David Ten Eyck, eds. Contemporary Textual Aesthetics. Vol. 3. Série Book Practices & Textual Itineraries. Collection “Regards croisés sur le monde anglophone”, Nancy: PU de Nancy – Éditions Universitaires de Lorraine, 2015. 178 pages. ISBN 978-2-8143-0186-3.

2014 | Nathalie Collé-Bak, Monica Latham and David Ten Eyck, eds. Textual Practices in the Digital Age. Vol. 2. Série Book Practices & Textual Itineraries. Collection “Regards croisés sur le monde anglophone”, Nancy: PU de Nancy– Éditions Universitaires de Lorraine, 2014. 170 pages. ISBN 978-2-8143-0175-7.

2011 | Nathalie Collé-Bak, Monica Latham and David Ten Eyck, eds. Tracing the Contours of Literary Works. Série Book Practices & Textual Itineraries. Vol. 1.Collection “Regards croisés sur le monde anglophone”, Nancy: PU de Nancy, 2011. 212 pages. ISBN 978-2-8143-0076-7.

Articles and book chapters

2019/20 | Introduction. The Pilgrim’s Progress. By John Bunyan. With the Watercolour Illustrations by William Blake. London: The Folio Society Ltd, 2019/20. Pages xi-xx + 331-333.

2018 | “Wayfaring Images: The Pilgrim’s Pictorial Progress”. The Oxford Handbook of John Bunyan. Eds. Michael Davies and W. R. Owens. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018. Pp. 624-649.

2018 | “‘[W]hen thou dost anneal in glasse thy storie’: Retelling Bunyan and Rehabilitating Dissent in Stained-Glass Windows”. Bunyan Studies: John Bunyan and his Times(2018) : 84-113.

2013 | “The Pilgrim’s Progress, Print Culture and the Dissenting Tradition”, ed. Sandro Jung, Essays and Studies. “British Literature and Print Culture”. Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 2013. Pp. 33-57.

2013 | “Spiritual Transfers: William Blake’s Iconographic Treatment of John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress”. British Literature and Spirituality: Theoretical Approaches and Transdisciplinary Readings. Eds. Franz Karl Wöhner and John S. Bak. Zürich; Berlin: Lit Verlag, 2013. Pp. 145-170.

2012 | “L’illustrateur comme auteur ou co-auteur du texte, ou l’unicité de l’acte auctorial remise en cause par la mise en images”.Les Acteurs du Livre. Dir. Sylvie Ducas. Paris: Nicolas Malais ed., 2012. Pp. 65-85.

2011 | “Bringing Images into the Text: Illustrations as Allo-/Xeno-Geneic Forms of Discourse”. Formes allogènes dans le discours: imbrication et résonance dans la littérature et les arts anglophones. Dirs. Fabienne Gaspari et Catherine Mari. RIVES, Cahiers de l’Arc Atlantique Numéro 6. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2011. Pp. 293-313.

2011 | “Bunyan’s Pilgrims on Canvas, on Stage, in the Cellar, and in the Art Gallery: The History, Loss and Renaissance of the Moving Panorama of Pilgrim’s Progress”. Bunyan Studies: John Bunyan and his Times 15 (2011) : 112-128.

2011 | “The Pilgrim’s Progresses of Bunyan’s Publishers and Illustrators, or the Role of Illustrations in the Life of a Text/Book”. Tracing the Contours of Literary Works. Série Book Practices & Textual Itineraries, vol. 1.Collection“Regards croisés sur le monde anglophone”. Nancy: PU de Nancy, 2011. Pp. 157-182.

2010 | “Spreading the Written Word through Images: The Circulation of The Pilgrim’s Progressvia its Illustrations”.Revue de la Société d’Études Anglo-Américaines des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles(2010, numéro spécial) : 223-246.

2010 | “Illustrations of Literary Classics: New Lives for New Books”. Les Vies du livre / The Lives of the Book. Collection “Regards croisés sur le monde anglophone”. Nancy: PU de Nancy, 2010. Pp. 83-99.

2009 | “L’Ur-texte et son double ? De l’autre côté du miroir des illustrations, avec The Pilgrim’s Progressde John Bunyan”. Left Out: Texts and Ur-Texts. Collection “Regards croisés sur le monde anglophone”. Nancy: PU de Nancy, 2009. Pp. 193-217.

2007 | “The Role of Illustrations in the Reception of The Pilgrim’s Progress”. Reception, Appropriation, Recollection: Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress. Eds. W. R. Owens and Stuart Sims. Collection “Religions and Discourse”, vol. 33. Dir. James M. M. Francis. Peter Lang, 2007.Pp. 81-97.

2005 | “Le lecteur face au livre illustré: la tête et les sens entre texte et images”. L’affect et le jugement, Mélanges offerts à Michel Morel à l’occasion de son départ à la retraite. Dirs. Colette Stévanovitch et Henry Daniels. Publications de l’AMAES, Collection GRENDEL n° 6, Nancy, 2005. Pp. 113-147.

2001 | “D’un siècle à l’autre: variances et constantes des images dans les éditions illustrées de The Pilgrim’s Progress de John Bunyan”. Doctissimus, “Quoi de neuf, doc ? ”. Bulletin de l’Association des Doctorants en Lettres et Sciences Sociales, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, année 2001. Pp. 31-49.

2001 | “La destinée iconographique de The Pilgrim’s Progressde John Bunyan du XVIIe siècle au début du XIXe siècle: répétitions, variations en chaîne, et mutations”. Bulletin de la Société d’Études Anglo-Américaines des XVIIe et XVIIIe sièclesNuméro 53 (2001) : 201-232.


2021 | “Illustrating Beyond the Text and Page: Gulliver’s Travelsthrough time, space and media”. A Companion to Eighteenth-Century Literary Illustration. Eds. Leigh G. Dillard and Christina Ionescu. Volume III: “Bestsellers”. Bethlehem, PA: Lehigh University Press, 2021.

2020 | “Graphic Afterlives: Literary Texts, Illustrations and Beyond”. A Companion to Eighteenth-Century Literary Illustration. Eds. Leigh G. Dillard and Christina Ionescu. Volume I: “Theoretical Approaches”. Bethlehem, PA: Lehigh University Press, 2020.

2019/20 | “Extra-illustrating the road: maps as material and conceptual add-ons to John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress”. The Unique Copy: Extra-Illustration, Word and Image, and Print Culture. Eds. Christina Ionescu and Sandro Jung.Special Issue of the Journal Wolfenbütteler Notizen zur Buchgeschichte. Herzog August Library (HAB), Wolfenbüttel. 2019-2020.