Pascale Tollance

Pascale Tollance is Professor of English at Université Lumière–Lyon 2. She has written extensively on British/Canadian author Malcolm Lowry, as well as on British contemporary authors such as Graham Swift, Julian Barnes, Kazuo Ishiguro, Angela Carter, A.S. Byatt, Jeanette Winterson and Rachel Seiffert. Her research has been devoted for a large part to questions involving intertextuality and intermediality. Her book on Graham Swift focuses more specifically on the play between voice and gaze in the fictional text.


Graham SwiftLa Scène de la voix. Villeneuve d’Ascq: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 2011.

“Freezing Emotion: the Impersonality of ‘Photographic Writing’ in Rachel Seiffert’s The Dark Room”. Impersonality and Emotion in Twentieth-Century British Literature. Christine Reynier and Jean-Michel Ganteau (eds.). Present Perfect 1. Montpellier: Publications Montpellier III, 2005, 287-298.

“La description comme évocation dans Waterland de Graham Swift”. Le descriptifPolysèmes 9 (2007): 133-159.

Lighthousekeeping by Jeanette Winterson, or How to Invent a Story Already Written”. Rewriting / Reprising in Literature: The Paradoxes of Intertextuality. Claude Maisonnat, Annie Ramel, Josiane Paccaud-Huguet (eds.). Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009, 102-111.

“‘Medusa’s Ankles’ de A.S. Byatt : d’une surface à l’autre ou d’un reflet qui ne se laisse pas briser”. La Surface : accidents et altérations. Maryline Maignon and Marie-Odile Salati (eds.). Chambéry: Presses de l’Université de Savoie, 2010, 117-128.

“‘Quelques plumes de perroquet’: l’épreuve de la lecture et de la ‘sur-écriture’ de Flaubert’s Parrot à ‘Knowing French’ de Julian Barnes”. Études britanniques contemporaines 38 (juin 2010): 69-82.

A Pale View of Hills de Kazuo Ishiguro: l’intensité de l’absentement”. L’intensitéLa Licorne 96. Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2011: 135-149.

“‘A nasty piece of work’: épanchement et débordements dans ‘Jael’ de A.S. Byatt”. Polysèmes 11 “Cadres” (2011): 155-175.

“Transposition et deuil dans ‘Rose-Coloured Teacups’ de A.S. Byatt”. Polysèmes 12 “Transpositions” (2012): 285-310.

“Un serpent au jardin de l’utopie : ‘Le Sucre’ de A.S. Byatt ou les ambivalences d’une conteuse-menteuse-tueuse”. Translation and analysis by Laurence Petit and Pascale Tollance. Art et utopie. Pensées anglo-américaines, volume V. Paris: Michel Houdiard Éditeur, 2012.

“‘A Story in Geometric Shapes’: the Cross Between Text and Image in ‘The Kiss’ by Angela Carter”. Picturing the Language of Images (forthcoming with Cambridge Scholars).

“‘The infinite terror of the brilliance of colour’: couleur et violence dans quelques nouvelles de A.S. Byatt”. Proceedings of the SAIT conference “Color: between silence and eloquence”, June 2009 (forthcoming in Polysèmes).

Photographic Text(ure): Grain, Dots, Lines. Laurence Petit and Pascale Tollance (eds). Image and Narrative (autumn 2014).

Point, Dot Period … The Dynamics of Punctuation in Text and Image. Laurence Petit and Pascale Tollance (eds), forthcoming with Cambridge Scholars.

La Transparence”. Marie Laniel and Pascale Tollance (eds). Polysèmes 13 (forthcoming).